Title: Hands-on "Open Source GIS & WebMapping"


  • Barend Köbben < Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser. >, ITC - University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information
    Science and Earth Observation (organiser & workshop lecturer).
    With support from the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies (dr.
    Suchith Anand, chair) and software donation from OSGEO (Open Source Geospatial
    Foundation Live DVD).

Url: http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/AGILE-OSGEO-workshop/


This workshop will be a hands-on practical workshop, intended to introduce the possibilities and pitfalls of using Open Source applications for GIS and webmapping to people who are interested in this technology, but that do not yet have much experience in the actual practical use of OSGEO applications.

This workshop has a half day duration, scheduled for the afternoon from 14:00 -18:00. However, in case the number of registrations is large, an additional morning workshop will (09:00-13:00) might be organised.

The workshop will start with a short introduction of Open Source GIS and webmapping technology, followed by practical guidance on how to actually do it:

Participants are asked to bring their own laptops, we will provide the theory, the software and guidance! We have a set of exercises that guide the participants in setting up a webmapping site using OpenStreetMap data, adding their own data using the desktop QGIS application, serving that data as a Web Map Service and finally bringing it all together on a interactive “slippy map” website using OpenLayers.

In the workshop we will be using the free and open source GIS and webmapping applications from the OSGEO LiveDVD. The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (osgeo.org) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The OSGEO LiveDVD is a self-contained bootable DVD/USB based on the Xubuntu operating system, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. Access to the presentations, demo and workshop materials will be through DVD and USB stick on location, as well as at a dedicated workshop website.



● Workshop date: april, 24th,. 2012