Title: Views on the Body of Knowledge (VoB)
- Frans I. Rip :
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- Marien de Bakker : Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.
- Marco Painho :
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The GI Body of Knowledge was published in 2006 by the Association of American Geographers as a description of the GI domain.
Question is: how do cartographers, remote sensing users, GIS analysts, surveyors and programmers look at it today?
Presentations will include:
ICA representative prof. Menno-Jan Kraak: GI-BoK - a Cartographer's point of view
EuroSDR / ISPRS representative Joep Crompvoets: GI-BoK - a Remote Sensing user's point of view
AGILE representative: GI-BoK - a GIS/Geomatics point of view
Sean Ahern (CUNY, USA): GI-BoK in perspective
* Feedback on GI-BoK from the GIS/Geomatics, cartography and remote sensing domains on the level of the professional organizations.
* an additional number of position papers (500-1000 words) + presentations Intended length: full day. Format: Presentations + plenary group discussions. Size 10-25 persons.